Nov 1, 2021
hey y'all. with things at snake mountain being kinda up in the air still, i figured i'd drop a little something into the feed in the meantime. it's something i worked on a bit on the side when i popped over to etheria. perfuma and some of the other princesses over there wanted to try their hand at podcasting, so i gave them a hand. i think it turned out pretty good. they gave some advice, they talked about stuff... one of them really liked punking this cat lady for some reason... anyway, you should listen and subscribe. i think it's only available in etheria, though, so... uh... good luck?
[Some Sound Effects and Music from Gfx Sounds.]
Riley: Kit Mulkerin
Perfuma: Meganbob
Adora/She-Ra: Claire Mulkerin
Bow: Jason Dania
Catra: Annie Craton
Grizzlor: Andrew Ihla
Ram Man: Jay Edidin
Sea Hawk: Dan Mulkerin
Hordak: Chris Sims