hey guys, riley here. this episode has less than the
usual amount of plant stuff because skeletor's been pretty busy.
i'm not sure what he's busy with though. he said "feasibility
study" and i tuned out. king stuff, i guess? also, and i cannot
stress this enough, do not listen to the end of this episode.
definitely don't let kids listen. are kids listening to this? kids,
if you're listening to this uhh, eat your vegetables. that's a
thing adults say. seriously though, the ending went some places and
i was unwilling to listen to it again to edit it out. all i can say
is that when we studied plants in bio class, that definitely wasn't
how the textbook said pollination works.
[[Some additional music from Bensound.com]]
Skeletor: Dan Mulkerin
Riley: Kit Mulkerin
Man-At-Arms: Jarod K. Anderson
Ram Man: Jay Edidin
Buzz-Off: Miles Stokes
He-Buddy #1: Miles Schneiderman
Mekaneck: Matthew Seik
About the Podcast
Gardening is more complicated than water and soil. It's about something deeper. It's about something more intangible. It's about Skeletor. Skeletor guides you through the perils and pitfalls of gardening with edicts, orders, and the occasional command. Garden Plots with Skeletor: It's definitely not a scheme! This podcast not affiliated with the owners of He-Man and the Masters of the Universe.